Friday, January 22, 2010

Choose Joy?

It is incredible how a simple two words can change how you take on each day. For as long as I can remember the phrase, "choose joy" has been ingrained in my mind. Coined by my mother since before I can even remember, this “life motto” has become deep rooted within our family, intertwining each of us together and extending to friends and loved ones that we encounter throughout each our lives. When you focus on the joy that each day brings – you end up spotlighting the many blessings that have been given to you and are reminded of how much you are loved by something so much bigger than anything here on this earth. When you gratefully observe the wonderful, small things in life that make you smile, joy cannot help but well up within you!

I never wait for joy – I choose joy in the very moment of each day.

Choose joy - live it! Share it!



  1. OMG. can i tell you that I am THRILLED that you are blogging! It makes me really happy! X's and O's!
