Monday, March 22, 2010

A Mary Heart

This weekend was just perfect!

I don't know about you but the first day of spring proved to be the kickoff of a GREAT new season here in ATL. The sun was shining - everyone was outside and I managed to get some sort of tan from laying out at the pool all day long - hahaha - no big deal!

But, I think the best part of the weekend happened on Saturday afternoon. A group of my friends and I stopped by my mentor's house to pick up a couple of things. When we got there she was gardening - and as we pulled into her driveway she dropped everything - coming to greet us with open arms and a big hug! She is precious and someone that I will most likely reference a lot in my blog. She is such an incredible, Godly woman and she really showed me the importance (on Saturday especially) of harnessing a "Mary heart in a Martha World" (which is really cool - because it is what we studied in the bible study that she led - practicing what she preaches!! SO AWESOME!!). She dropped everything that she was doing to be in fellowship with us. She practiced incredible patience - not worrying about everything on her "to-do list" but solely focusing on deepening her relationship with each one of us. It was a precious illustration to me of Jesus's love and how each of us should take on each day - not worrying about everything that we have to do - but focusing on the fact that we are His vessels and it is vital that we show Christ's love to every life that we encounter along our journey on earth. It is something that can only be done by investing time in other people's lives - not solely centering on our own.

I charge you all to live in such a way!

Here's to the beginning of a great week!!

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